4 min read

Docket+ 18 September

Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.
Docket+ 18 September
Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

Hi! I'm Victoria and welcome to DisinfoDocket. Docket+ is a weekly roundup of the latest influence operations-related academic research, events and job opportunities.

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EVENT: Seismic Shifts: How Economic, Technological, and Political Trends are Challenging Independent Counter-Election-Disinformation Initiatives. (Center for Democracy & Technology, 28 September)
LISTEN: Cloak & Dagger: Moving Beyond Disinformation with Dr. Alicia Wanless (CEIP)

1. Academia & Research

1.1 Platforms & Technology

  1. What label should be applied to content produced by generative AI? (PsyArXiv, 11 September)
  2. Analysis of Disinformation and Fake News Detection Using Fine-Tuned Large Language Model (ArXiv, 9 September)
  3. Trust and Safety on Social Media: Understanding the Impact of Anti-Social Behavior and Misinformation on Content Moderation and Platform Governance (SAGE, 12 September)

1.2 World News

  1. Pro-China Disinformation Campaign Claims US Started Maui Fires in a ‘Weather Weapons’ Experiment, Falsely Citing the UK’s MI6 (NewsGuard, 11 September)
  2. Us vs. Them: The Role of National Identity in the Formation of False Memories for Fake News (PsyArXiv, 12 September)
  3. Under the Shadow of Culture and Politics: Understanding LGBTQ Social Media Activists’ Perceptions, Concerns, and Strategies (SAGE, 13 September)
  4. Disinformation and Episodes of Regime Transformation (SSRN, 13 September)

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